Daojali Hading

Concept Explanation

Daojali Hading

Daojali Hading: Daojali Hading is an extensive Neolithic site in Dima Hasao District of Assam on the mountains near Brahmaputra valley adjacent to highways heading into Myanmar. Widespread digging at this site has submitted elegant granite tools, ceramics and kitchen objects such as grindstones, mashers, and weapons.

This is a site on the hills near the Brahmaputra valley, close to routes leading into china and Myanmar. Here stone tools, including mortars and pestles, have been found. These indicate that people were probably growing grain and preparing food from it. Other finds include jadeite, a stone that may have been brought from china.


  • The trial trench revealed that the site was single habitation—an unbroken two and a half feet deep cultural layer between an undisturbed brown earth and a layer of humus.
  • Pottery shreds and stone implements are scattered throughout the cultural layer. All ceramic materials are in fragments and cannot be utilized for reconstruction. They are of four types: cord-marked, incised, stamped, and plain fine red ware.
  • The plain fine red ware are made from well prepared fine clay on a turning device, whereas the other types are made from coarse and impure clay tempered with quartz and sandstone grits and beaten into shape with tools.Situated near Brahmaputra valley close to routes leading into China and Myanmar.
  • Extensive digging at the site has yielded polished stone tools, ceramics and kitchen items such as grinders, pestles and mortars. Jadeite stone was also found that must have been transported from China. A large number of pots have also been found.
  • These findings suggest that the people there were growing and storing grains, and preparing food from it. According to historians, Neolithic phase here maybe as late as early Common Era centuries. Also common finds of tools made of fossil wood (ancient wood that has hardened into stone), and pottery.
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